Hyderabad Divorcee Matrimony – Second Marriage

Reasons; Consequences and the Future of Divorcee

By definition, a divorce is an end of a marriage. It is a mutual separation of a married couple who has fed up with their married life and needs to be separated legally. This is legal by law. They can apply to the family court by signing divorce papers and after a few counseling will be awarded divorce by the court. They are free to either get married again or be single after a divorce. A person after a divorce is called a divorcee.

In India, Andhra Pradesh is showing a great increase in the divorce rates over the years, having the count of Hyderabad second marriage increasing gradually. You can see at least one or two Hyderabad divorced brides in your locality inside Hyderabad. More than 3000 cases are being filed at the family courts every year in Andhra Pradesh while the divorce rates in highly patriarchal northern states of India like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Bihar show a low rate of divorce cases. The lower the entrenchment of patriarchal norms, the higher are the filed cases. This is sad that the equality of men and women is becoming the reason for the dissolution of marriages.

Why do they get divorced?

As we all have reached an era where the inequality between men and women are close to being extinct, almost 70% of the women are capable of earning for themselves by going to work or starting their own business. This eradication of inequality paved the way for the development of ego problems between couples. These ego clashes along with differences in opinions create a crack in the relationship of a couple in the long run. Having the legality to apply for a divorce by mutual consent, these ego clashes lead many couples to get separated legally.

Consequences of a divorce

Although it seems like it is easy to get separated and move with a new matrimonial partner, a separation from a life partner won’t be of any good for both men and women. They both will have to face a lot of consequences and difficulties arising from inner feelings and from society. Most of the divorcee women with babies find it difficult to get married again. Divorce always creates frustration; anxiety; depression; and lack of self-confidence in both genders. No divorce will be happy or comforting.

The future – A second marriage should happen

As said earlier, most of the men and women with the latter being predominant won’t get married again immersed in their past trauma. But the reality is that they should get married again overcoming their trauma and start a new life. Their past bitter experiences should be the alarming factor that restricts them from doing the same mistakes again. Pure love and affection with the mere understanding that was lacking in their past relationship should be there in their new one. There are many matrimonial websites out there especially providing services for the divorced. One can try them for a chance of starting a new life again. In our case, every Hyderabad divorcee will definitely search for a new life forgetting the trauma.


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